Friday, January 6, 2023

JOB BREAK THROUGH & Ro Eternal love Job Break Through Quest

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Applying to Places Not Hiring:  A Wise Move or Not

Are you in desperate need of a job?  If you are currently unemployed or if you truly think that your current job is making you “crazy,” you may be.  When it comes to finding a new job, especially in a hurry, there are many individuals who think that the more job applications they fill out or the more resumes they submit, the better their chances of finding a new job are.  But, what about the employers who are currently not hiring?  If you are wondering whether or not you should fill out a job application or submit your resume to a place that isn’t hiring, you are not alone.

When it comes to determining whether or not you should submit a job application or drop off your resume to a place that isn’t hiring, there are a number of important factors that need to be taken into consideration.  Perhaps, the most important factor is if you know for sure they are not hiring. When it comes to filling out job applications, there are many applicants who try and determine, upfront, whether or not there are any positions available.  If you happen to stop by a local business or call to ask about hiring and get a negative response, you may not want to submit an application anyways, especially if you gave your name.  This tends to create a bad impression; an impression that states that you don’t necessarily listen to what you are being told.

Now, there is a difference between knowing in advance that a business isn’t hiring versus being told as soon as you go to turn in your job application or your resume.  If you are told when you are submitting your resume or job application, it is advised that you ask about the future?  Does the company representative that you are speaking with think that they will be doing any hiring in the future? If so, you may want to think about asking them to hang on to your job application or your resume for future use. In some states, employers are required to save all job applications and resumes for about a year.  Of course, if the business in question later advertises the fact that they are hiring, you are advised against automatically assuming that your resume is still on file. You may want to call, just to make sure. 

One of the few downsides to applying to places that aren’t necessarily hiring at the current moment is the timing. As it was previously mentioned, many employers are required to save any job applications or resumes that they receive for a period of time, like a year.  This is nice because some employers decide to not even advertise the fact that they are hiring, instead many just go through the resumes or job applications that they accumulated overtime.  The only problem is the overtime part.  You may have submitted your application eight months ago and only end up getting a response now.  If you are like many job seekers, you should be able to find a job in as little as a few weeks, sometimes a month or two at the most. That means that by the time your application or resume gets noticed, it may already end up being too late.

As a reminder, the decision as to whether or not you want to apply at a place that isn’t hiring is yours to make, but it is advised that you proceed with caution when doing so.  If you are told that applications are not being accepted at the current time, even just to hang on to, you are advised to cut your loses and move on. The last thing that you want to do is create a scene or try to convince an employer to hang on to your application, as you may end up creating a bad name for yourself; one that may haunt you, you resume, or your job application for years to come.

Calling Around to Find Job Listings:  Good Idea or Not?

Are you looking to find a new job?  If you are, you may be looking for a local job.  One that doesn’t require working from home or one that doesn’t involve you having to relocate. When it comes to finding available job listings, you will soon see that you have a number of different options.  Despite having a number of different options, there are many who decide to call around to local employers, to see if they are hiring.  Before doing this, you are advised to examine the pros and cons of doing so.

When it comes to calling around to local employers to determine if they are hiring or not, the biggest pro or plus side to doing so is the time that it may be able to save you.  If you weren’t able to place a call, you would likely have to visit the establishment in question, drop off a resume, or fill out a job application.  This can take up a considerable amount of your time, especially if it turns out the employer in question isn’t even hiring right now.  Yes, your application or resume may be saved for a later date, but you may consider the time spent to be a waste of time.  Simply placing a phone call, before going through the application process, will be able to save you time.  If the employer you contacted isn’t hiring, your time can be better spent focusing on those who are.

Although saving yourself time is nice, especially when you are in desperate need of finding a job, you will find that most employers don’t like being contacted just to see if they have any open job positions.  In most cases, you will find that those who are hiring either take out a job listing in a local newspaper or on an online career hunting or job hunting website.  Many employers actually find it to be a waste of their time to answer phone calls from hopeful job applicants.  Many employers even get frustrated when they are hiring and hopeful applicants contact them for additional information.  Many times, the individuals being contacted have other job responsibilities; responsibilities that need to be taken care of.

Since there are both pros and cons to contacting local employers to determine if they are hiring or not, you may want to use your best judgment.  If you do decide to place a phone call to one of your local employers or to a number of them, go ahead and do so, but you may want to refrain from giving your name.  This will help to keep you from being remembered as the person who couldn’t be bothered to come in and personally see if any jobs were available.  Many employers associate this lack of motivation as being lazy and the last thing you want to be associated with is being lazy.

In short, if it is at all possible, you are advised to try and refrain from calling local employers to see if they are hiring.  As stated above, many employers will advertise the fact that they are hiring, either by taking an advertisement out in a newspaper’s employment section, by using a career hunting or job hunting website, or by placing a now hiring sign in the window of their building.  Looking for these signs or job listings is perhaps the best way to go about finding a good job, without having to risk making a bad impression. 

Career Fair Job Hunting Tips

Are you looking to find a new job or a new career?  If you are, you may want to give career fairs a try, as they are a great way to not only find available jobs, but also acquire them.

As you likely already know, career fairs are large events where multiple employers come in search of qualified employees.  In most cases, career fairs are held in public places, such as shopping malls or hotel lobbies. They are also often free to attend.  While career fairs do vary, most employers are able to set up small booths, where they can display information about their company and the type of employees that they are looking for.  Most employer booths have a company representative who is able to discuss their company’s opportunities and accept resumes.

Although career fairs are a great way to find new employment opportunities, most individuals are unprepared for them. What many do not realize is that some employers actually interview and hire candidates right on the spot!  For that reasons, you need to do more than just attend a career fair; it is something that you need to prepare for.  To make the most out of career fairs, you will want to keep some of the below mentioned tips in mind.

Perhaps, the most important tip to remember is to bring copies of your resume with you; the more the better.  Although you may not be interested in apply for every opportunity found at a career fair, you should enter into a career fair thinking that you would.  If you are able to get an estimated number of how many employers would be attending the career fair in question, you are advised to bring that number of resume copies.  Should you not handout all of your resume copies, you can save them and use them at a later date. Career fairs are not only used to educate you on local employment opportunities, but they are also designed to help you find and get a job.

Another tip that you should keep in mind is your appearance.  Since many career fair employer participants give interviews on the spot, you may want to be prepared for one, in the physical sense.  Wearing a pair or jeans or sweat pants will not make a good impression, but a simple pants suit or dress will work wonders.  Many times, the employer representatives at a career fair are the ones who in charge of the company’s hiring.  Taking a few extra minutes to “fix yourself up,” before you walk out the door is a great way to make a good impression at a career fair.

As previously mentioned, many career fair employer participants end up giving interviews on the spot.  In fact, some actually hire new employees right on the spot as well.  That is why it is extremely important that you prepare for an interview, just in case.  In addition to dressing the part, you also want to make sure that you know how an interview works, namely the questions that you should ask or the responses that you should give.  If you haven’t had an interview in some time, it may be a good idea to refresh your memory.  You can do this by asking a friend or a family member to give you a sample interview.  Practice is the best way to make a good impression during an interview, even if it is an unexpected one at a career fair.  

Another tip that is worth mentioning is going to career fairs alone. Most career fairs are scheduled during the daytime, often during the week.  If you are a parent, you should make other arrangements for your child, as you don’t want to be remembered as the applicant who brought their child along.  In terms of friends, you may also want to bring a friend along with you for moral support. You are also advised against doing this.  If you have a friend is who also job hunting, you can attend together, but be sure to go your separate ways.  Employers are less likely to give you an interview if they see you are accompanied by a guest and a partner may unintentionally effect which employers you stop and see.

By keeping the above mentioned tips in mind, you should be able to make the most out a career fair.  These tips may increase your chances of walking away from a career fair with a new job.

Career Fairs:  A Great Way to Find Jobs

Are you searching for a new job or a new career?  If you are, you may have searched for jobs online or even in your newspaper’s employment section. Although these resources are great ones, you may want to think about trying career fairs, as they are a great way to find available job positions, as well as apply for them at the same time.  

Although there is a good chance that you have heard of a career fair before, there is also a chance that you haven’t.  If you didn’t already know, career fairs are events that are often free and held in large public places. Most career fairs are held at hotels or in shopping malls.  During a career fair, a number of employers, particularly those who are hiring, set up booths. Those booths are where participating employers will have information, including pictures, write ups, and more, about their company displayed.  Most career fair employer participants also often have a company representative or two on hand, to accept applications and sometimes even do onsite interviews.

As nice as it is to know what career fairs are, you may be wondering why you should attend one.  As it was previously mentioned, a large number of employers often come to career fairs. The exact number will all depend on the size of the establishment in question.  Even the smallest of career fairs tend to house about forty or fifty hiring employers.  Using the internet or searching for job listings in your local newspaper will never be able to produce this many employers in such a small amount of time.

Career fairs are also nice because the participating employers often run different types of businesses.  For instance, at one of your local career fairs, employers looking for construction workers, nurses, secretaries, or teachers could have booths set up.  This is nice because it can give you ideas or cause you to examine another job or career, one that you may have not thought of before.  Also, when attending a career fair, you are under no obligation to provide prospective employers with your resume or your contact information, although it is advised that you do so.  This means that you could not only use a career fair to find available jobs, but you can also use them to examine all of your options or to set new career goals for yourself.  

If you are interested in attending a career fair, you will need to be able to find them. As it was previously mentioned, most career fairs are held in public establishments, like hotels or shopping centers.  Many career fairs are advertised at their locations in advance.  It may be a little bit harder to examine local hotels, but you may be able to see career fair signs when shopping at your favorite retail stores.  You should also be able find out about locally hosted career fairs by using the internet or your local newspapers, as many career fair organizers take out advertisements.

The decision as to whether or not you want to attend a career fair is yours to make, but it is something that may result in a new job or a new career. For the best chance of success at career fairs, you will want to make sure that you dress professionally, bring extra copies of your resume to handout, as well as always be prepared for an interview. All career fairs are different, but some employers are known to give prospective candidates interviews right on the spot, as well as hire new employees!

How to Find Career Fairs

Are you interested in applying for a new job or are you looking for a career change? If you are, you are advised to attend career fairs, as they are one of the best places to gather information on who is hiring, what type of jobs are available, and what type of qualifications are needed.  In fact, career fairs are also a great way to apply for jobs.  While career fairs are nice to attend, they can sometimes be difficult to find.  

Before outlining exactly how you can go about finding career fairs, it is important that you first know exactly what they are. Career fairs are events that are almost always open to the general public and held in public locations, like shopping malls. Although career fairs can vary, most employer participants set up their own tables or booths.  These booths are often accompanied by printed information, brochures, or pictures about the company in question.  Each booth is often staffed with a couple of company representatives; representatives who are able to accept applications or resumes, as well as answer any questions that job seekers may have.

Now that you know what career fairs are, you may be wondering exactly how you can go about finding them.  When it comes to finding a career fair, one of the best things that you can do is keep your eyes and your ears open.  For instance, many of the career fairs that are hosted in shopping centers are advertised weeks or sometimes even months in advance. Since career fairs are commonly held in local shopping centers, you are advised to always be on the lookout for any career fair signs or banners.  If you are unable to visit your local shopping center or other public establishments, you can always trying calling them once a month or so to see if any career fairs are scheduled for the future.

Career fairs are often advertised in local newspapers as well. While information about a career fair may appear in different newspaper sections, it is common to find information about them in the employment section of a newspaper.  Although it isn’t as common as newspaper advertisements, many career fairs are also advertised online.  If you have access to any local business websites or message boards, you may be able to find information on an upcoming career fair.

Community boards are another way that career fair organizers go about advertising their upcoming career fairs.  Since most career fairs are planned months in advance, many organizers have the time to go around the neighborhood and hang-up signs.  Many career fairs are advertised on college campus community bulletin boards.  Businesses where those looking for work are likely to hang out may also have bulletin boards that may have information on available job openings or career fairs.  These types of businesses tend to include restaurants or coffee houses.

You are also advised to contact your local career center, which is sometimes referred to as a career counseling center. These types of centers are where you should be able to receive assistance with finding a job.  Most career centers are staffed with those who are educated on the art of finding, applying for, and landing a job.  If you do have a local career center in or around your community, they are often the first ones to know about an upcoming career fair. That is why it is advised that you contact your local career center to ask if they know about any upcoming career fairs.  If they do, be sure to get the important information, like when and where.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to find and attend any career fairs that happen in or around your place of residence.  For the best chance of success, when attending a career fair, make sure that you bring multiple copies of your resume, dress for success, and be prepared for an onsite interview, because they do occasionally happen.

How to Get the Most Out of Job Hunting Websites

Are you looking for a new job? If you are and if you also have internet access, there is a good chance that you may end up turning to career hunting or job hunting websites.  Two examples of these types of websites are and Although these websites are great ways to gain access to hundreds, if not thousands, of up-to-date job listings, if you want to be successful it is advised that you know how to get the most out of these websites.  A few helpful tips that you may want to familiarize yourself with are outlined below.

When it comes to using career hunting or job hunting websites, there are some websites that allow you to search through job listings without having to create an account.  However, if you find a job listing that you would like to apply to, you will often need to create an account. The good news though is that most of these career hunting or job hunting websites, at least the reputable ones, are free to use. This means that there is absolutely no reason as to why you shouldn’t register for a free account. In fact, registering for an account may also get you extra member benefits.

Speaking of the extra job hunting or career hunting website member benefits, there a number of “perks,” that you may be able to enjoy; perks that may make it easier for you to find a job.  Of course, it is important to remember that not all career hunting or job hunting websites are the same. With that in mind though, many career hunting and job hunting websites allow you save a sample job application, with all of your personal information already filled out, as well as a copy of your resume on their website. This can help you save time when it comes to applying for job.  Also, many career hunting or job hunting websites also allow their members to make their resumes searchable by employers; employers who are looking for qualified candidates.

Even if you are able to make it is that your resume is searchable by employers you may still want to take the time to find and apply for job listings that you, yourself, are able to come across.  Most career hunting or job hunting websites allow you to do this a number of different ways.  For instance, you can browse through a large selection of job listings, often for the whole country. If you are unwilling to relocate or if you were looking for something in particular, you could tailor or customize your search. For instance, if you were looking to work within fifty miles of where you live, you could search based on that criteria.  You could also perform a search for a certain type of job or a job in a certain industry, like education or construction.

When using a career hunting or job hunting website, many job listings request that you apply for the job through the job hunting or career hunting website in question, but not all do.  Before applying for any job, whether you find it online or not, you want to make sure that you thoroughly read through all information given to you. Despite an ‘apply now,” tab at the bottom of a job listing on a career hunting or job hunting website, the employer in question may actually want you to send your resume as an email attachment.  You never really know unless you thoroughly read through all of the information given to you. To prevent yourself from looking silly or associated as being “the one who doesn’t follow directions,” you will want to make sure you read and think before you act.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to use career hunting or job hunting websites to the best of your ability.  In addition to and, you can find additional websites by performing a standard internet search.
How to Spot Employment Scams

Are you looking for a new job?  If you are, you may be using the internet or your local newspaper to find job listings.  Although the internet and local newspapers are a great way to find up-to-date job listings, you also need to be on the lookout for scams.  There is such a thing as an employment scam.  The good news is that many employment scams are easy to spot, especially when you know what to look for.

When it comes to being on the lookout for employment scams, it is extremely important that you remember employment scams are not only found online.  While these scams are more common online, many employment scams are making their way to local newspapers, possibly even your local newspaper. That is why you always need to be on the lookout for employment scams; you should never let your guard down.

As for spotting an employment scam, which is also commonly referred to as a job listing scam, there are a number of points that you will want to be on the lookout for.  Perhaps, the biggest red flag is when you are required to putdown a deposit to apply for a job or to get hired.  If you are thinking that it is suspicious, you are right.  Many people are so desperate for a job that they don’t realize that they shouldn’t have to pay to work; it should actually be the other way around.  No matter what excuses you are given, like that your deposit would be used to process your application or pay for your training materials, do not fall for it.  Under no circumstances should you pay an employer to let you work for them.

Another easy way that you can spot an employment scam is by examining the information given to you in a job listing.  For instance, most legitimate business opportunities or job listings will be full of information. Whether the job listing is for a local job or work-at-home job, you should be able to get information on the type of job available, a little bit of background information on the company in question, qualifications needed, as well as information on how to go about applying for the job.  Employment scams often provide as little information as possible.  You will want to be on the lookout for job listings just that encourage you to “act fact, as only five more positions available,” or something else along those lines.  Never apply for a job without knowing exactly what you would be doing first.

One of the reasons why you are advised against apply for a job that you don’t really know much about is because many job applications request your social security number.  Your social security number in the wrong hands can result in a bad, costly situation.  The requesting of a blank check, for direct deposit, is another red flag that you should be able to spot.  If you are hired to work for a well-known company, one that is either local or online, direct deposit is okay, but you should never signup for direct deposit because you are required to do so, especially if you are trying a new work-at-home opportunity.

The above mentioned red flags are red flags that you should always be on the lookout for and avoid.  In all honesty, you may be able to search for and find legitimate job opportunities or examine a large number of job listings without every coming across an employment scam, but it is still best if you are prepared for it all.
Interview Tips to Help You Land that Job

Are you looking for a new job or a new career?  If you are, your first step should be examining job listings.  When it comes to finding job listings, you have a number of different options.  For instance, you can use your local newspaper, the internet, or career counseling centers.  In a way, finding job listings is the easy part.  Actually getting the job that you want is the hard part.  

When it comes to landing a job that you applied for, your interview will play an important part in whether or not you are hired.  If you are able to get a job interview for one of the jobs that you applied for, you are advised to proceed with caution.  Your actions or your responses during an interview can either make or break you.  To increase your chances of landing your dream job, or at least the one that you applied for, you will want to continue reading on, as some helpful tips are outlined below.

When going to a job interview, it is important that you are properly dressed.  You would actually be surprised to learn how many job applicants show up to a job interview in unattractive, unprofessional attire.  Even if you are just applying for a job as a cashier at one of your local supermarkets, you are still advised to dress professionally for a job interview.  Depending on the job you are applying for, a dress or a business suit may be called for; however, a simple pair of black pants and a white shirt is much better than a pair of jeans.  

You are also advised to bring a couple of copies of your resume to your job interview.  This is something that many job applicants do not think to do, but it is actually a wise move.  Yes, you may have already submitted your resume to the employer giving you the interview, but it is important to remember that they probably received hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes.  It is not unheard of for resumes to get lost or misplaced.  Bringing along an extra copy of your resume shows that you are responsible and likely to always be prepared.  In addition to brining an extra resume for the interviewer, it is also advised that you bring a copy for yourself.  This will make reviewing your work history and education easier, as everyone would be on the same page.

During the interview, you will be asked a number of different questions by the interviewer.  One of the most common questions asked is about your strengths and your weaknesses.  One of the biggest mistakes that a job applicant makes is stating that they don’t have any weaknesses.  Everyone has at least one weakness or something that they wish that they could chance about themselves.  You will want to be honest and admit this.  Of course, you don’t want to go overboard.  What you will want to do is try and make your weakness a strength as well. 

At the end of most interviews, most interviewers ask the interviewee, which would be you, if you have any questions. You are advised to ask questions.  In all honesty, even if you don’t have any questions to ask, you are advised to come up with some.  Many interviewers use the “do you have any questions,” as a ploy.  Many are turned off by interviewees who do not have any questions.  Some even associated it with not be interested in the job or the company.  Even if you ask about how the company got started or what the chances are for moving up the company ladder, you are advised to ask questions.  Of course, be careful with the questions that you do ask.  You don’t want to sound too pushy or overbearing.  

At the end of your interview, it is extremely important that you shake the hand of your interviewer and thank them for the opportunity.  This is very important.  It is hard for some to imagine, but a simple thank you actually goes a long way nowadays, as it is hardly spoken anymore.  It is also advised that you send a thank you note the interviewer you met with.  This may not necessarily increase your chances of landing the job, but it will make you look professional.

By keeping the above mentioned tips in mind, you should be able to have a successful interview.  As a reminder, interviews are the most important part of landing a new job.


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