"Rascals" is a Bollywood Hindi comedy film released in 2011. The movie revolves around two conmen, Chetan Chauhan (played by Sanjay Dutt) and Bhagat Bhosle (played by Ajay Devgn), who are both notorious for their mischievous and deceptive acts. The story follows their rivalry and their constant attempts to outsmart each other.
Chetan and Bhagat are old acquaintances and have a history of trying to outwit one another. They come across a beautiful and wealthy woman named Khushi (played by Kangana Ranaut), who becomes the object of their affection and desire. Both Chetan and Bhagat try to impress Khushi and win her heart, leading to a series of hilarious and chaotic situations.
As the story progresses, Chetan and Bhagat find themselves entangled in a larger scheme involving a large sum of money. A gangster named Anthony (played by Arjun Rampal) is also after the same fortune. Chetan and Bhagat join forces to outsmart Anthony and claim the money for themselves.
The movie takes the audience on a rollercoaster ride of comedic situations, mistaken identities, and clever tricks. Chetan and Bhagat use their cunning and quick thinking to stay one step ahead of each other and the gangster, leading to a series of funny and outrageous sequences.
Throughout the film, Chetan and Bhagat engage in slapstick comedy, pranks, and hilarious dialogues, showcasing their rascally nature. The story also explores themes of friendship, love, and redemption as Chetan and Bhagat's relationship evolves from adversaries to unlikely partners.
"Rascals" is a light-hearted comedy that aims to entertain the audience with its humor and comedic performances.
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